Mesa Bone Fracture Lawyers

The bones are often viewed as strong structural foundations of the body, but they can break surprisingly easily in incidents such as traffic collisions, falls, and other traumatic events. A bone fracture is a serious injury that may require extensive treatment and rehabilitation. When a broken bone is caused by another party’s negligence, the injured party should not be left to shoulder the financial hardship of medical bills and other damages on their own.

A skilled Mesa broken bone attorney understands the many hardships a fracture can cause and is dedicated to recovering the compensation you deserve.

Recognizing the Symptoms of a Broken Bone After a Crash

Bone fractures may result from excessive force or pressure on any bone in the body. Motor vehicle collisions and slip and fall accidents are some of the most common causes. If you have been involved in a car wreck and suspect a fracture, watch for these key symptoms:

  • Immobility: If intense pain prevents even slight movement, it may indicate a fracture.
  • Swelling: Damage to the surrounding tissue may typically cause the affected area to swell rapidly.
  • Bruising: When blood vessels are damaged near the break, blood pools under the skin, forming visible bruises.
  • Severe Pain: Fractures, even relatively minor breaks, often cause intense pain that may worsen with touch or movement.
  • Deformity: Visible deformity may occur when the fracture is displaced and not aligned properly, which is common in broken leg or arm cases.

Importance of Seeking Immediate Medical Treatment

While compound fractures are obvious, other types of broken bones may be challenging to detect without medical imaging such as X-rays. It is important for anyone who is involved in an accident to consult a medical doctor immediately. Prompt medical attention ensures you receive the appropriate care and provides crucial documentation of an accident-related injury, which is essential for any bodily injury claim.

Types of Bone Fractures from Accidents

Broken bone injuries may range from minor to severe, with various types classified based on the severity of the break. Common bone fractures from accidents include:

  • Comminuted Fracture: The bone has broken into three or more fragments.
  • Stable Fracture: The bone ends remain aligned and are only slightly out of place.
  • Avulsion Fracture: A fragment of bone has detached but has remained inside the body, often near a joint.
  • Compound Fracture: Also known as an open fracture, this type of injury occurs when a broken bone extends or pierces through the skin.
  • Greenstick Fracture: An incomplete fracture where the bones are bent and cracked. Also referred to as a hairline fracture, are more common in children due to their developing bones.

Treatment and Recovery from Broken Bone Injuries

Understanding the severity of a bone fracture from an accident and recovery process is important when seeking compensation for medical bills and related losses. For minor fractures, physicians typically reset the bone and immobilize it with a cast, brace, or splint to facilitate the healing process. In younger patients, simple fractures generally heal within 6 to 8 weeks. However, older adults may experience slower and less complete recovery due to age-related factors.

Surgery may be required in severe fracture cases to insert rods, screws, or pins to stabilize the bone. In complex broken bone injury cases involving several or large bones, traction may be used. This involves a system of weights to realign the bones gradually, often leaving patients immobilized for several weeks. Proper medical care is important for ensuring optimal recovery and minimizing long-term complications.

Complications Associated with Broken Bone Injuries

While many individuals recover full functionality after a fracture, some may experience complex breaks that may never fully heal. Physical therapy may be necessary for some patients to regain use of an injured limb. Unfortunately, broken bones may lead to various complications from the initial trauma. Some of the most common complications include:

  • Nerve Damage: When fractures occur in close proximity of nerves to bones, they may cause nerve destruction, leading to symptoms such as tingling, numbness, or pain.
  • Blood Vessel Damage: Fractures may injure arteries or veins, particularly in serious cases involving the pelvic or formal arteries, which may pose life-threatening risks.
  • Osteoarthritis: Fractures that break bones into several fragments may lead to joint degeneration, causing chronic pain.
  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS): A debilitating condition characterized by persistent severe pain long after a broken bone has healed.

Additional complications may arise depending on the nature of the injury. For instance, rib fractures may lead to respiratory distress, flail chest, and collapsed lungs pneumothorax). Conversely, hip fractures, which are common among older adults, may result in immobility, increasing the risk of muscle degeneration (rhabdomyolysis), blood clots, and pneumonia. Proper treatment and early intervention are important for managing complications and ensuring a favorable patient prognosis.

How We Build Strong Broken Bone Cases for Maximum Compensation

Recovering full compensation for accident-related injuries requires extensive knowledge, skills, and resources. Our Mesa bone fracture lawyers have successfully handled many cases involving broken bones from slip and falls, motor vehicle collisions, and other incidents caused by negligence. By choosing our law firm, you can depend on us to:

  • Conduct an in-depth investigation to identify all responsible parties and their insurance coverage.
  • Handle all communication and negotiations with insurance carriers and opposing counsel on your behalf.
  • Calculate the economic damages suffered by reviewing medical records and bills, wage loss, property damage, and other key evidence.
  • Work with expert witnesses, such as medical experts, life care planners, and economists, to project future medical costs and wage loss for cases involving permanent injury or disability.
  • Seek maximum compensation through an insurance settlement or file a lawsuit when insurers refuse to a mutual settlement agreement that fully compensates the injured party.

If you have already been offered a settlement by the insurance company, contact an experienced bone fracture attorney for a free consultation. Insurers often present low offers to injured parties before they fully understand the severity of their injuries and the financial impact of the accident. Speak with our experienced Mesa attorneys before signing anything from the insurance carrier.

Learn How a Mesa Bone Fracture Lawyer Can Help

At Southwest Injury Law, we build strong cases and advocate for every client. We can conduct a comprehensive investigation of your accident, work with experts to document your injuries, and determine the appropriate compensation you deserve. A skilled Mesa bone fracture attorney can protect your rights and seek maximum compensation. Call to schedule a free consultation at (602) 777-3300.

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If you have been hurt in a car accident, Southwest Injury Law is the best personal injury law firm in Nevada and Arizona. Get off the phone with insurance adjusters and focus on healing. Leave the legal work to Southwest Injury Law, your trusted Personal Injury Lawyers In Las Vegas, NV, Phoenix, AZ, and surrounding areas.